··· *Unpredictable* ··· (lol)
Once upon a time there was this kid who had a twin who also had a twin and they all lived in a tree.
mother lived on the highest branch. She was a dwarf. ~Rachel
loved to listen to the song take me away by Fefe Dobson. ~ Britt
weird because she listens to fefe. ~Mike
But not fefe dobson, fefe her cat. ~ Jared
day, her and fefe (the cat) went dogsledding. ~Ash
they ran right into a dildo truck at the end of the road. ~Tanya
it was making its weekly delivery at andreas place, so they were able to use her phone to call for a cab to take them the
rest of the way to Walla Walla. ~ Steven
When the cab
showed up, the driver, a Chimpanzee, asked if we had a spare tire, since his was going flat. ~Jason
instead of giving him a tire, we gave him a banana. ~ Nathalia
he took the banana and made a swing! ~Laura
And he swang from tree to tree collecting
cocanuts! ~ Edyta
Then he
dropped them in my swimming pool. ~Bren
They hit the water SO
hard it caused a tidal wave and flooded the world. ~ ME!
Out of the water came an endless
line of little green gremlins, all ready to head to the bars. ~ Joelle
headed out but then everything fell out of their purses! ~Kayla
A large scream was heard as a tube of cherry-delight
lip gloss flew out of the purse at rocket-speeds. ~ Kristin
The lip glosses landed on a planet called princess-x, and the alien princesses realized that the
lip glosses were from humans - their worst enemy!! ~ Paola
Even thought
the humans were their worst enemy, the alien princess decided that she should kick their ass anyways! ~Christel